Enhancing the appearance of your smile doesn’t have to involve lengthy or expensive procedures in cosmetic dentistry. In fact, dental bonding is one of the most conservative and affordable solutions available, yet it can bring dramatic improvements to your smile.
If you have teeth that are chipped, gapped or discolored, cosmetic dental bonding could be all you need to attain a confident smile. Bonding relies on composite resin, a high-quality, tooth-colored material that can both repair your teeth and enhance their aesthetics.
Dental bonding is a long-lasting solution and can be completed in just one brief and painless office visit. During bonding, the composite resin is applied in layers on the affected tooth, hardened with a special curing light and then polished by your dentist. Rest assured that the composite resin will be color-matched to your existing teeth so that it blends naturally and seamlessly within your smile.
When is Dental Bonding Appropriate?
Dental bonding can address a wide range of concerns. Whether you need to fill a cavity with a tooth-colored material or you want to change the appearance of an unsightly front tooth, dental bonding can be an effective solution. Patients should consider dental bonding if they suffer from teeth that are:
- Chipped
- Gapped
- Discolored
- Uneven
Although complex or severe aesthetic concerns may need more advanced cosmetic procedures, such as porcelain veneers, dental bonding is an excellent choice to quickly and successfully eliminate most minor flaws in your smile.
An Affordable, Quick and Painless Smile Enhancement
At Hollon Dental, we are passionate about giving you a smile that you are proud to show off. We are a unique dental practice that focuses on patient comfort through all faucets of dentistry. If you are embarrassed by your smile but not willing to sacrifice a lot of time or money in cosmetic dentistry, we invite you to consider dental bonding. Call our Mobile office today to learn if you are a candidate.
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100 S University Blvd.
Mobile, AL 36608
Phone: (251) 862-1937
Email: info@hollondental.com
Monday - Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: closed